Why Is Choosing An Independent Insurance Agency Better?


Insurance is a vital part of our lives, protecting us from unexpected financial burdens. While there are numerous ways to obtain insurance, working with an independent insurance agency often offers unique advantages. This guide explores why choosing an independent insurance agency could be your best decision.

Understanding Independent Insurance Agencies

Independent insurance agencies are businesses that sell insurance policies from multiple insurance companies. Unlike direct or captive insurance agencies that primarily sell policies from a single insurer, independent agencies provide a broad spectrum of options. 

Wide Range of Choices

One of the main advantages of an independent insurance agency is the extensive variety of choices. Independent insurance agents represent multiple insurers, meaning they can present a wide array of policy options and coverage. This variety ensures you can find a policy that fits your specific needs rather than settling for a one-size-fits-all plan.

Personalized Coverage

Independent insurance agencies excel at tailoring policies to suit your individual needs. Because they are not tied to a single insurance provider, independent insurance agents can mix and match policies from various insurers to provide the best possible coverage. This ability ensures you're not just purchasing a policy but a personalized protection plan.

Cost Effectiveness

In the world of insurance, competition drives cost-effectiveness. Independent insurance agencies can compare prices from different providers, ensuring you get the best deal. Instead of accepting the rates of a single provider, independent agents leverage the power of choice to deliver competitive pricing.

Unbiased Advice

A significant benefit of independent agencies is the unbiased advice they provide. Since independent insurance agents are not employees of a specific insurer, they can offer impartial recommendations based on your unique needs and circumstances. This unbiased guidance can be invaluable in helping you make informed decisions.

Local Expertise

Independent insurance agents often possess robust local knowledge, which can be incredibly beneficial. They understand local risks, legal landscapes, and unique community needs, allowing them to offer advice and coverage that's particularly relevant to you. 

Comprehensive Customer Service

When it comes to service, independent agencies shine. These agencies serve as your advocate during the claims process, providing assistance when you need it most. They work for you, not the insurance company, making your needs their priority. This commitment often leads to a better, less stressful insurance experience.

Long-term Relationship

Working with an independent insurance agency can lead to a valuable long-term relationship. Over time, your agent can get to know you and understand your evolving needs, providing relevant advice as your life changes. Whether you need to add a teen driver to your policy, insure a new business, or update your life insurance, your agent will be there to guide you.


When choosing an insurance provider, the importance of understanding your options cannot be overstated. Independent insurance agencies provide a wide array of choices, personalized coverage, competitive pricing, unbiased advice, local expertise, comprehensive service, and the potential for a long-term relationship. All these benefits make a compelling case for why choosing an independent insurance agency may be a better decision for your insurance needs.

Does Insurance Cover Trees Falling On The House or Car?

A home surrounded by trees is a picturesque scene that can make even small residential home lots feel a little more natural.

Yet those trees can cause a great deal of damage when they fall on the house or drop large branches on the roof.

Depending on the size of the branch or tree and where it falls, the damage can be extensive, requiring tens of thousands of dollars worth of repairs.

The bigger question then becomes - will homeowners insurance cover it? 

Did It Happen During A Covered Loss?

While not every homeowner's insurance policy sold by an insurance agency is the same, most seem to cover the damage caused by trees or tree branches and other objects falling on the house if it occurred as a result of a covered loss.

To confirm this, homeowners can speak to their insurance agent if they feel they are at risk for this type of damage or add it to their policy if they are not already protected against it. 

What If A Neighbor's Tree Falls On My House?

What if the tree that fell on a policyholder's house belongs to a neighbor - whose insurance agency is responsible for paying the damage claim?

If the tree fell as the result of what would normally be a covered peril, the neighbor’s insurance policy is not required to pay that damage claim.

On the other hand, if the tree fell due to some kind of negligence by the neighbor, that person's insurance should pay for the damage.

Homeowners who have had their houses damaged by a neighbor’s tree should contact their own insurance agents to file a claim and seek reimbursement from their neighbor's insurance. 

What About Fallen Trees and Cars?

What about a tree or limb falling on a car?

A car insurance policy will only pay for the damage caused by falling trees or tree limbs if the policy includes comprehensive coverage.

Unfortunately, in cases where there is no comprehensive coverage on the vehicle, the homeowner’s policy typically will not cover it.

If the tree belongs to a neighbor and negligence can somehow be proven, their homeowner's liability insurance might cover the vehicle, but it will depend on the circumstances. 

See an Experienced Homeowners Insurance Agent For Help

Generally speaking, falling trees or branches are considered to be acts of nature that no one is responsible for.

The owner of the home or vehicle that is damaged can file a claim with their own insurance agency to have the damage repaired.

Knowing this, home and vehicle owners who are at risk of damage from trees falling should ensure their policies have the right coverage to protect them should it happen.

Adding this protection to a homeowners insurance or vehicle policy in areas where there are many trees or where severe weather is common, can be an inexpensive solution just in case.

These Tips Well Help You Save Money On Insurance

Learning how to manage your insurance needs is important and having quality insurance will ensure that when the unexpected happens, you will be covered.

There are so many different types of insurance out there and so many different ways to handle your insurance needs, so here are some tips we've complied to help you.

Handling Insurance Claims

When filing a claim with your insurance company, be proactive about getting updates and information about your claim status.

If you simply wait for the insurance company to tell you how much they owe you, you could be in for a very long wait.

As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Insurance For Work Property Used at Home

Make sure you get insurance to cover work-related property when you have a telecommuting or independent contracting job.

If you work from home, your rental or home owner's insurance policy does not cover work-related items such as computer equipment used for work so having a separate policy protects work-related property from theft or damage.

Choose A High Deductible

In order to get the best rates on insurance, you should choose the highest deductible you can afford.

This can lower your rates by as much as 25%.

It is important however that you would be able to cover the deductible amount in the event that something would happen to your home or auto.

Guaranty Funds

When you have found a company to insure you, find out if that insurance company is covered and licensed under the state's guaranty fund.

This fund will pay claims in case your insurance company defaults.

Check with your state insurance department and they will be able to provide you with more information.

Research Carefully

Insurance coverage can be a minefield of unfamiliar terms, fine print, discounts, coverage levels and so on.

There's no way we can cover everything you need to know here but hopefully this has been a good starter to get you on your way.

Research your particular insurance needs and make sure that you stay covered!

Insurance Can Be Easy With These Tips!

This article was written to help you learn some knowledge about insurance and some tips related to insurance.

When it comes to a subject like insurance, you want to make sure you are as informed as you can be so you can make the right decisions.

So read this article and retain the knowledge it contains. 

Save By Bundling

If you want to save money, inquire about bundling your insurance.

You can get both car and motorcycle insurance for a rate that is fixed.

Home insurance or other useful insurance policies may also be available for bundling.

Make sure you get the insurance you really need.

Insurance Claim Handling Tips

When preparing an insurance claim, be certain to keep detailed records of all expenses paid out of pocket prior to submission.

It is common for business coverage to include payments for claim preparation expenses, though homeowners may also be able to negotiate as part of their final claim settlement compensation for work done to document their losses.

Seek Muliple Policy Discounts

Save on all of your insurance policies with multiple policy discounts.

If you have separate home, life, car and health insurance policies, it may be worth checking with each of your companies for quotes on your other policy types.

Many insurance companies will offer a discount if you carry multiple policies with them.

Consider A Bigger Deductible

The bigger the deductible, the lower your insurance costs will be.

Just keep the amount of the deductible in a savings account in case of a claim.

Many claims fall below the deductible amount, so neither you or the insurance company has to bother with the claims process, saving everyone time and keeping the cost of the policy low.

Try These Great Insurance Tips!

The knowledge you just learned about insurance is but just a bit of the whole you can learn.

There is so much information to learn, but don't be discouraged by that.

In order to make sure you make the right decisions always make sure you expand your knowledge, so come back to this article if necessary. Just make sure you learn other things as well and you should be successful in your insurance decisions!